Curriculum Vitae

Dr Amira Mas Ayu Binti Amir Mustafa
- School of Accounting & Finance
Faculty of Business & Law - 603-56295422
- amiramasayu.amirmustafa@taylors.edu.my
- Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Master of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Bachelor of Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Economic Valuation, Food and Water Security, Natural Hazard, Ecosystem Services (Economic Valuation, Food and Water Security, Natural Hazard, Ecosystem Services)
(Course Title),(Level of Study),(Institution),(Month/Year)
(Course Title),(Level of Study),(Institution),(Month/Year)
- Introduction to Economics , Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2023)
- International Economic Theory and Policy, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2023)
- Macroeconomics, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2023)
- Introduction to Economics, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (03/2022)
- Introduction to Economics, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
- Macroeconomics, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
- International Trade and Multinational Business, Bachelor Degree, Taylor's University (08/2022)
(Title of publication in APA style)
(Title of publication in APA style)
- Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Mohd Iqbal M.N., Amira Mas Ayu A.M., Farah M.S., Yuhanis A.A., Zaiton S. (2017). Trigon asp (Kelulut) Farming and Eco-Tourism Expedition of Apis Dorsata (Lebah Tualang) Honey Hunting: A Knowledge Transfer Programme. Publish by MEEA (Malaysian Economy and Environment Association). ISBN 978-967-15272-2-1
- Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Amira Mas Ayu A.M., Paridah M.T., Ahmad Ainuddin N., Farah M.S., Norfaryanti K., Abdul Rahim A.S. (2017). Sustainability of Kenaf Development: Moving Forward. Publish by MEEA (Malaysian Economy and Environment Association). ISBN 978-967-15272-0-7
Book Chapter
- Amira Mas Ayu A.M., Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Mohd Iqbal M.N., Zainal Ariffin M.I. (2017), Cost and Earning Structure of Spare Wheel Cover Production, Chapter in Book. Editor: Mohd Shahwahid et al. Publish by MEEA (Malaysian Economy and Environment Association)
- Mohd Iqbal M.N., Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Amira Mas Ayu A.M. (2017) Analysing Social Network Relationship Between Important Stakeholder in Malaysia Kenaf Industry Using Social Network Relationship, Chapter in Book. Editor: Mohd Shahwahid et al. Publish by MEEA (Malaysian Economy and Environment Association)
Article in Journals
- Sahabudin, A. H., Azzeri, A., Ramlee, M. N. A., Mohd Noor, M. I., Amir Mustafa, A. M. A., & Jaafar, M. H. (2024). A SCIENTOMETRIC REVIEW OF MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS RELATED TO CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES AND ECONOMIC BURDENS WORLDWIDE. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 24(2), 187–194. Retrieved from https://www.mjphm.org/index.php/mjphm/article/view/2682 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Ramlee, M. N. A., Jaafar, M. H., Mohd Noor , M. I., Azzeri, A., Hairee, A., & Amir Mustafa, A. M. A. (2024). A PROTOCOL FOR DEVELOPING A MACHINE LEARNING MODEL TO FORECAST HEALTHCARE TREATMENT RESOURCE UTILIZATION. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 24(2), 268–277. Retrieved from https://mjphm.org/index.php/mjphm/article/view/2779 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Ming, K. L. Y., Vaicondam, Y., Mustafa, A. M. A. A., Roslan, S. N. M., Yi, S., Chopra, K., & Khanna, P. (2024). ESG Integration and Financial Performance: Evidence from Malaysia’s Leading Companies. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 14(5), 487–494. https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.16706 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Ahmad Zaini, A., Mohd Noor, M. I., Ahmad, B. E. ., & Amir Mustafa, A. M. A. (2023). Environmental Impact Assessment of Tourism Development in Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study of Tioman Island Marine Park. Bioresources and Environment, 1(1), 32–49.
- Mohd Noor, M. I., Amir Mustafa, A. M. A., Haidi, Y., Ramlee, M. N. A. ., & Abdullah, M. T. (2023). A Novel Scientometric Approach to Elucidated Giant Panda Frontier Research. Bioresources and Environment, 1(2), 49–79. Retrieved from https://bioenvuitm.com/index.php/en/article/view/26
- Mustafa, A.M.A.A., Ismail, N., Rahman, R.A., Ranjan Das, K.D.S. Assessing the drivers of pro-environmental behaviour and willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation among visitors to Raptor Watch weekend at Tanjung Tuan, Melaka (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Mohd Noor, M. I., Voon-Ching Lim, Amira Mas Ayu Amir Mustafa, Amirah Azzeri, Mohd Hafiz Jaafar, Nursyaidatul Kamar Md Shah, Nur Syafiqah Hussin, Mohd Azim Zainal, & Muhammad Fuad Abdullah. (2022). Photovoice Method Trends, Status, and Potential for Future Participatory Research Approach. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 22(1), 252-266. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- M. Fortnam, L. Evans, A.M. Amira Mas Ayu, L. Bastian, T. Chaigneau, L. Creencia, H.C. Goh, B. Gonzales, K. Madarcos, C. Maharja, M. Mohd Iqbal, T. Ngoc Le, R.A. Praptiwi, J. Sugardjito, Q. Van Nguyen, W.M.A. Wan Nur Syazana (2022). Polycentricity in practice: Marine governance transitions in Southeast Asia, Environmental Science & Policy. Volume 137,87-98. (ISI-Indexed)
- Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Mohd Iqbal M.N., Amira Mas Ayu A.M., Rahinah I. & Mohd Ihsan M.S (2016). Social Network Analysis of Kampung Kuantan Fireflies Park, Selangor and the Implications Upon its Governance. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 28(4). (ISI-Indexed)
- Amira Mas Ayu A.M., Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Mohd Iqbal M.N. and Rahinah I. (2014). Factors Determining the Stakeholders Perception of Kenaf Cultivation in Kelantan. International Journal of Green Economics (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Mohd Iqbal M. N., Amira Mas Ayu A. M. & Farah M.S. (2013). Assessing service quality of community-based ecotourism: A case study from Kampung Kuantan Fireflies Park. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 25(1) (ISI-Indexed)
- Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Amira Mas Ayu A.M. & Norfaryanti K. (2012). Critical Factors of farmers’ participation in kenaf cultivation: Malaysian Context
(Project title),(Role),(Duration),(Level)
(Project title),(Role),(Duration),(Level)
- Developing a Model of Affordable City in Improving Quality of Life For Urban Poor , Co-researcher, 2023 to 2025 (Taylor's University)
(Project title),(Organisation),(Duration),(Role),(Level)
(Project title),(Organisation),(Duration),(Role),(Level)
- Malaysian Blue Carbon, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom, 19/10/2022 to 31/01/2023, Project Leader (International)
(Title of Thesis),(Name of Candidates),(Academic Level),(Role)
(Title of Thesis),(Name of Candidates),(Academic Level),(Role)
- HUANG YUBAI (Co-supervisor (Internal))
(Title),(Event),(Date Presented),(Organiser),(Level)
(Title),(Event),(Date Presented),(Organiser),(Level)
- Governing Large Multiple Use Marine Protected Areas in Developing Country: Case Study of Tun Mustapha Park, Malaysia, GCRF Blue Communities Final Symposium, 23/03/2022 to 25/03/2022, Blue Communities (International)
(Course Title),(Course Mode),(Date/Duration),(Level)
(Course Title),(Course Mode),(Date/Duration),(Level)
- Biorem Series Seminar: Network Analysis and Its Application, Research, 15/02/2023 to 16/02/2023 (National)
- Finding and Writing the Research Gap Workshop, Research, 28/03/2022 to 28/03/2022 (National)