Associate Professor Ts Dr M Tamilsalvi A/P Mari

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor of Education, UNIVERSITI SELANGOR, Malaysia
  • Master In Environment, University Putra Malaysia, -
  • Degree In Housing, Building & Planning, University Of Science Malaysia, -

Professional Qualification

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Areas of Expertise

  • Applied Sciences And Technologies, Architecture, Built Environment

Research Interest

  • Area 1: Humane Design/Architecture: Architecture, built environment, human and environment, well being and architecture, and design values My research area revolves around investigating the interaction between humans, architecture and the environment. Architecture affects individuals on a more personal level, it can have a profound impact on its users/occupants. Every aspect of architecture from the design, layout of space and material finishes can contribute towards occupant wellbeing, health, mood, and productivity. How do we address the growing issues of inhumane living/working environments that affect human beings' wellbeing? I emphasize on research focusing on current societal and environmental issues and needs. The role of architecture is to create spaces that meet the needs of users. Design solutions that look into nature as solutions as proven to create a more humane living environment have proven to improve well-being. Thus I am interested in exploring ways in the process of designing a better living/working environment from the viewpoint of a humane design, exploring architectural interventions to accommodate the elements humane design and tapping into nature not only for the resources but also as inspiration. Therefore focusing on design values of place and space from a social and environmental perspective. Area 2: Sustainability in Architecture/Built Environment I am also broadly interested in sustainability in architecture with particular emphasis on Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) - embodied energy/embodied, carbon emission/operational energy and passive energy efficiency strategies. In particular, my research interests are shaped by the emerging trends of sustainability in multi-storey residential/office building in urban areas-focusing carbon footprint, alternative building materials, and exploring the potential of vertical farming as a means to mitigate urban heat island issues, operational energy and to promote social sustainability. Area 3: Pedagogy, Curriculum Design and Graduate Employability Additionally, I am also keen on pedagogic research- exploring new methods, interventions, and effective approaches in architecture education, particularly in the technical modules. I believe architecture teachers need to follow a unique way because they are not only instructing but essentially involved in the development of the creative potential of the student. Within this area, I am interested in studies/researches exploring graduate employability skills, graduate employability to the changing dynamic in the relationship between HE and the labour market, and the changing role of HE in regulating graduate employability.


  • Spatial usage and socio-spatial qualities of migrant workers accommodation: A case study on construction site living quarters in Klang Valley (SCOPUS-Indexed), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering - Article in Journals
  • Empowering engineering female students to improve retention and progression: A program evaluation study completed with bibliometric analysis. (SCOPUS-Indexed), Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology - Article in Journals
  • Online Learning Using Game Design: The Architecture Student Experience - Book Chapter
  • Strategies for Green Space Management in Mountain Cities Based on the Habitat Suitability for Urban Birds Breeding (ISI-Indexed), Land - Article in Journals
  • Re-establishing traditional stilt structures in contemporary architecture The possibilities (ISI-Indexed), Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research - Article in Journals
  • Are they ready yet: Architecture Graduates Employability Skills from Employers' Perspective. (ISI-Indexed), Journal of Design and Built Environment - Article in Journals
  • BIOPHILIC DESIGN FOR ELDERLY HOMES IN MALAYSIA FOR IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Engineering Science and Technology - Article in Journals
  • Courtyard configuration to optimize shading, daylight and ventilation in a tropical terrace house using simulation (SCOPUS-Indexed), Archnet-IJAR - Article in Journals
  • The Key Constraints Underlying Energy Retrofit Of The Residential Buildings In Malaysia (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Special Issue - Article in Journals
  • Are they ready yet: Architecture Graduates Employability Skills from Employers' Perspective (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Design and Built Environment - Article in Journals
  • Re-establishing traditional stilt structures in contemporary architecture The possibilities (SCOPUS-Indexed), Archnet-IJAR - Article in Journals
  • The Veranda: Abstract Connector Of Living Boxes - Architectural Answer To Social Harmony, (SCOPUS-Indexed), Journal of Engineering Science and Technology - Article in Journals
  • Learning Construction Through Model Making and Its Application in Architecture Design Studio. (ISI-Indexed), International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies - Article in Journals
  • Typologies of Design Thinking: The Constructive Perspective (ISI-Indexed), International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies - Article in Journals
  • Typologies of Design Thinking: The Constructive Perspective. (ISI-Indexed), International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies - Article in Journals
  • Evaluating the Significance of Recurrent Embodied Energy in Life Cycle Embodied Energy of Residential Buildings. (SCOPUS-Indexed), International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, - Article in Journals
  • Partnership of Learning Construction Through Model Making: Case Study or Designing? - Book Chapter
  • Natural Brise Soleil: The Effects of Vegetation Shading on Thermal Environment of Residential Buildings in Hot and Humid Tropics. (SCOPUS-Indexed), IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - Article in Journals
  • Implementation of Green Building Materials in Construction Industry (SCOPUS-Indexed), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 268 (2019) - Article in Journals
  • Investigating Civic Responsibilities Among Architecture Undergraduates Using Service-Learning - Book Chapter
  • Typologies of Design Thinking - the theoretical perspectives - Book Chapter
  • Architecture graduate work readiness: The gap between learning and employability (SCOPUS-Indexed), Materials Science and Engineering - Article in Journals
  • Assessment of Embodied Energy: The Missing Piece-The Recurring Embodied Energy, Academic Radiology - Article in Journals
  • Typologies of Design Thinking: A Theoretical Perspective, The Future of Architectural Education + Practice - Article in Journals
  • The Pedagogy of Engagement: A Study Of Architecture Students Learning Experiences, Journal of Social Science and Human Behavior Study Partnership - Article in Journals
  • The Pedagogy of Engagement: A Study Of Architecture Students Learning Experiences in Community, SMHB 2018 - Article in Journals
  • Investigating civic responsibilities among architecture undergraduates using service-learning, The Future 2019 of Architectural Education + Practice In Malaysia - Article in Journals
  • Sustainability Knowledge using AKASA Model among Architecture Students from Klang Valley Private Universities (SCOPUS-Indexed), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences - Article in Journals
  • Sustainability knowledge using AKASA model among architecture students from Klang Valley private universities, Malaysia (SCOPUS-Indexed), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering - Article in Journals
  • Relationship between environmental awareness and environmental knowledge using AKASA model among architecture students in private universities, Klang Valley, (SCOPUS-Indexed), The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications ICKEA 2017, London, United Kingdom - Article in Journals
  • Relationship between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Knowledge Using AKASA Model among Architecture Students in Private Universities (SCOPUS-Indexed), IEEE Catalog - Article in Journals
  • Development of Career Related and Teamwork Skills Using Service Learning in Undergraduate Architecture, Conference Proceeding - Article in Journals
  • Development of Career Related and Teamwork Skills Using Service-Learning in Undergraduate Architecture Education - Article in Proceeding
  • Development of Career Related and Teamwork Skills Using Service Learning in Undergraduate Architecture Education, Empowering 21st Century Learners through Holistic and Enterprising Learning - Article in Journals
  • Using Digital Simulation as an e-learning tool to create a dynamic learning in Architecture students, Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review - Article in Journals
  • Using Digital Simulation as an e-learning tool to create a dynamic learning in Architecture students, Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review - Article in Journals
  • Integrated sustainable roof design (SCOPUS-Indexed), Procedia Engineering - Article in Journals
  • Stimulating And Instilling Environmental Awareness In Architecture Students in proceeding of Construction (SCOPUS-Indexed), 5th International Conference On Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2011) 6 7th December 2011 - Article in Journals
  • Integrated Sustainable Roof Design, 2011 International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable Cities (SCOPUS-Indexed), Procedia Engineering 21 - Article in Journals
  • Consideration of embodied energy of building materials in local construction (SCOPUS-Indexed), Proceeding of 4th International Conference On Built Environment In Development Countries.(ICBEDC 2010) - Article in Journals
  • Sustainability awareness through The Ecomimicry Project (SCOPUS-Indexed), Learning Beyond Tomorrow an Evolutionary Process - Article in Journals
  • Embodied energy of building materials - A comparative analysis of terraced houses in Malaysia, Challenges for architectural science in changing climates - Article in Journals


  • Empowering Engineering Female Students to Improve Retention and Progression,  Project Leader2023 to 2024, International
  • Entrepreneurship programme on Productive Youth Development (PYD) ,  Project Leader2022 to 2023, Private
  • Entrepreneurship Programme on Productive Youth Development,  Project Leader2022 to 2023, Private
  • A socio-spatial framework for sustainable living environment of temporary urban migrant settlements in Malaysia ,  Co-researcher2021 to 2025, National
  • Typologies of design thinking: A learner centered approach,  Co-researcher2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
  • Graduate readiness: The gap between learning and employability,  Project Leader2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
  • GRADUATE READINESS: The Gap between Learning and Employability,  Project Leader2018 to 2019, Taylor's University
  • Socio-spatial Sustainability of the City of Kuala Lumpur ,  Co-researcher2013, Taylor's University
  • Eco Design: Experimental Class Projects Nature Inspired Design Exploring the possibilities of designing environmentally sustainable design / product by mimicking NATURE. ,  Project Leader2010, Taylor's University

Awards and Stewardship

  • Invention, Innovation & Design on e-Learning (IIDEL) 2022, Exhibition/Invention, Education, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Digital Living Poster for Engaging and Effective Learning , 2022
  • Invention, Innovation & Design on e-Learning (IIDEL) 2022 (Silver) , Education, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), VR: Experiencing Aesthetics of Light and Shadow , 2022
  • 3.International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2021, Leading Innovation Towards Digitalized Community (IIDEL Category): Bronze Award, Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Innovation in Teaching and Learning , 2021
  • International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2021, Silver Award Leading Innovation Towards Digitalized Community (IIDEL Category), Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Innovation in Teaching and Learning , 2021
  • The EMAS (Exemplary Meritorious Academic Staff) Award, Education, Taylor's University, Innovation in Teaching and Learning , 2020

Paper Presented

  • Are they ready yet: Architecture Graduates Employability Skills from Employers Perspective, 2nd PAM International Architectural Education Conference (PIAEC2019) | in conjunction with 31st Architectural Student Workshop & Built Environment Infrastructure Exposition (NYALA 2019) (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 01/08/2019 to 01/08/2019
  • Relationship between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Knowledge Using AKASA Model among Architecture Students in Private Universities, Klang Valley, The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Application (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 21/10/2017 to 23/10/2018
  • Development of Career Related and Teamwork Skills Using Service-Learning in Undergraduate Architecture Education, TARC 4th International Conference on Learning and Teaching (TIC2016) with the theme of "Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 17/10/2016 to 18/10/2016
  • Structure and Place, 2nd New Urbanism and Smart Transport- Integrated Transport and Sustainable Urbanism , International Conference Kuala Lumpur (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 01/12/2013 to 02/12/2013
  • Instilling Environmental Awareness in Architecture Students, 5th International Conference On Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2011) (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 06/12/2011 to 07/12/2011
  • Consideration of Embodied Energy of Building Materials in Local Construction, 4th International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2010) (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 01/12/2010 to 02/12/2010
  • Sustainability awareness through The Ecomimicry Project, Teaching and Learning Conference Taylor s University Learning Beyond Tomorrow an Evolutionary Process, (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 09/10/2010 to 10/10/2010
  • Embodied energy of building materials-A comparative analysis of terraced houses in Malaysia, ANZAScA 41st. Annual Conference of Architectural Science Associations Challenges for architectural science in changing climates" (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 13/11/2007 to 17/11/2007
  • Stimulating and Instilling Environmental Awareness in Architecture Students, ICBEDC 2011 (CONFERENCE), ORAL PRESENTER , 06/12/2011 to 07/12/2011